Wiadom on:Wiadom on:
Proverbs 16:14-22 Wisdom on: king’s wrath vs wise man; king’s face brightens, his favour, value of wisdom; understanding; highway of upright; guards his way guards his soul (vs 17); pride
Proverbs 16:14-22 Wisdom on: king’s wrath vs wise man; king’s face brightens, his favour, value of wisdom; understanding; highway of upright; guards his way guards his soul (vs 17); pride
Humble to learn from others Humble to take criticisms without being hurt emotionally; Humble to serve Humble to sit in the back row Learn from Christ’s humility who emptied His
Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” – NIV Watch out for pride in all areas. Maintain a humble attitude.