Ezekiel 33:1-11 a Watchman MM Xref: chapter 18-individual and corporate responsibilities for sins. Individual will surely die for their own sins if they do not repent. We all have a
Ezekiel 33:1-11 a Watchman MM Xref: chapter 18-individual and corporate responsibilities for sins. Individual will surely die for their own sins if they do not repent. We all have a
Jeremiah 8:1-22, NIV Map highlights ..bones of the kings and officials of Judah…exposed to the sun and the moon…like refuse lying…prefer death to life vs 3; No-one repents of his
Matthew 18:1-14, NIV Map: imitate little child faith to enter the KOG; seriousness of sins from God’s perspective-chop hand (figurative), gouge eyes for sinning members than go to hell with
Jesus did not condemn her; his compassion for her; however asked her to SIN NO MORE. John 8:3-11, GNB John 8:3-11[3]The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in
Proverbs 17:14-28. Wisdom on: quarrel (vs 14, 19), guilty versus innocent, LORD detests, lacking judgement, pledge security, friend, perverse heart will not prosper (vs 20), deceitful tongue, fool, foolish son
Highlights King David prayed to God for mercy (vs 1) for his trangressions and was repentance of his sins; A great example of a sincere prayer of confessions, asking God
Highlights Sin affected King David’s health and he confessed to the Lord vs 7, 18; He pleaded to God not to forsake him and be near to him; He also
Mark 3:29 [29]But whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, because he has committed an eternal sin.”
Summary Seriousness of sins that will lead to hell destination. The Bible teaches the wages of sins is death. Take a radical approach and repent before is too late. In
Sins lead to death. Repentance and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior lead to salvation and spend eternity with God. Such is the treasure mentioned as the Kingdom Of