Soul thirsts for GodSoul thirsts for God
David shared in Psalm 143:5-6 that he meditated on God’s works and his soul thirst for God like parched land, a bit like a dry sponge sucks up all the
David shared in Psalm 143:5-6 that he meditated on God’s works and his soul thirst for God like parched land, a bit like a dry sponge sucks up all the
The Psalmist in Psalm 119:1-16 rejoices in God’s statutes. He loves God’s ways and medidate on them vs 1-16. Psalms 119:1-16[1]Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who live
Highlights Praise God with my heart and soul with my lips vs 1, 3, 5; Only God can water and satisfy my soul and my heart. I rejoice singing songs
Highlights Vs 29, NIV….Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” Jesus predicted his sufferings, death and resurrection after three days vs 31; Vs 34, to follow Jesus, must deny oneself, take
Highlights The Psalmist compares deer pants for the water to his soul pants for God vs 1 – 2; only God can satisfy the thirst of our soul; Put one’s
Mark 8:34-37 [34]Then Jesus called the crowd and his disciples to him. “If anyone wants to come with me,” he told them, “he must forget self, carry his cross, and
From my quiet time today, a well fed soul from frequently reading and meditating on God’s words…more precious than gold.
I was reading the “Eternity” christian newspaper, this person called “Niki Vasilakis” mentions that in relations to people who are dying or sick”..That where I think music is God’s language,