Commands, laws,precepts, degrees, statutes, word, promises

Precept is voluntary. A commandment needs only one reason- the order. A precept needs two reasons – doing it hurts oneself, and hurts others. A commandment need only to obey, a precept needs contemplation to see if it benefits oneself and others-(a).

Each of these are quite different, the decreed will of God is that which absolutely will come to pass and no one can stop it. Whereas the commanded will of God are the things God desires but does not force, with this will our compliance is required-(b).


As a review, a commandment is an order or charge given us to keep or observe (the 10 commandments, observing His Feast Days and the Sabbath, etc), judgments tell us how to handle situations that arise between His own people, and statutes are the decrees or requirements describing how to live in obedience to Him-(c).

(a)-(c) source from google

Psalm 119-81-112


King David loved God’s commands, laws, precepts degrees, word, statutes; he neditated on them-, get great joy from obeying them. He also gained great wisdom vs 98, insights, understanding, riches from immersing himself in them. He treated them with ulmost respect. They also protected him, provide a light to his path vs 105, refresh him, renewed him (vs 93), and so on-vs 86, 89, 92, 93, 96, 111. How sweet his promises vs 103…like honey to my mouth.

….hate double-minded and wicked men vs 113, 115 119

TH: This psalm is so rich in wisdom, insights, knowledge and full of assurances, hopes and guidance to life. It is valuable.
