What does the bible says about LOVE and other topics? Uncategorized Confidence comes from special power and authority

Confidence comes from special power and authority

In 2 Kings 4 & 5, we see Elisha has special authority, power and insights given to him by God.

He performed so many miracles: oil keep pouring, prophesied that the Shunammite woman will give birth to a son, restored the boy from death to life, horrible taste stew-flour, feeding the hundred, Naaman, the great commander cured of his leprosy by following his instructions, and his spirit was with Gehazi when he went after Naaman to extract a gift from him; he and his descendants was cursed wih leprosy.


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2King 21-23:30 Map: Manasseh 12 years old when became king. Bad king. Led the people astray; committed detestable sins….done more evil than the Amorites..led Judah into sin with his idols…the