David described the wicked and praised God on His attributes


* King David described the wicked who has no fear of God;
* He praised God on:
– His love and faithfulness vs 5
– His righteousness and justice vs 6

Psalms 36:1-12
[1]Sin speaks to the wicked deep in their hearts;     they reject God and have no reverence for him.
[2]Because they think so highly of themselves,     they think that God will not discover their sin and condemn it.
[3]Their speech is wicked and full of lies;     they no longer do what is wise and good.
[4]They make evil plans as they lie in bed;     nothing they do is good, and they never reject anything evil.
[5]Lord, your constant love reaches the heavens;   your faithfulness extends to the skies.
[6]Your righteousness is towering like the mountains; your justice is like the depths of the sea. People and animals are in your care.
[7]How precious, O God, is your constant love!     We find protection under the shadow of your wings.
[8]We feast on the abundant food you provide;     you let us drink from the river of your goodness.
[9]You are the source of all life, and because of your light we see the light.
[10]Continue to love those who know you and to do good to those who are righteous.
[11]Do not let proud people attack me or the wicked make me run away.
[12]See where evil people have fallen. There they lie, unable to rise.