What does the bible says about LOVE and other topics? Angry God David shepherd them with integrity of heart

David shepherd them with integrity of heart

  • Angry God vs 31-67 after His people rebellion, stubbornness and unbelief;
  • His majesty also exhibited in punishment of His people vs 44-51;
  • Destroying angels and everything else is at His disposal vs 49.

Psalms 78:14-42,67,69-72
[14]By day he led them with a cloud     and all night long with the light of a fire.
[15]He split rocks open in the desert and gave them water from the depths.
[16]He caused a stream to come out of the rock     and made water flow like a river.
[17]But they continued to sin against God, and in the desert they rebelled against the Most High.
[18]They deliberately put God to the test by demanding the food they wanted.
[19]They spoke against God and said, “Can God supply food in the desert?
[20]It is true that he struck the rock, and water flowed out in a torrent; but can he also provide us with bread and give his people meat?”
[21]And so the Lord was angry when he heard them; he attacked his people with fire, and his anger against them grew,
[22]because they had no faith in him and did not believe that he would save them.
[23]But he spoke to the sky above and commanded its doors to open;
[24]he gave them grain from heaven, by sending down manna for them to eat.
[25]So they ate the food of angels, and God gave them all they wanted.
[26]He also caused the east wind to blow, and by his power he stirred up the south wind;
[27]and to his people he sent down birds, as many as the grains of sand on the shore;
[28]they fell in the middle of the camp all round the tents.
[29]So the people ate and were satisfied; God gave them what they wanted.
[30]But they had not yet satisfied their craving     and were still eating,
[31]when God became angry with them and killed their strongest men, the best young men of Israel.
[32]In spite of all this the people kept sinning;     in spite of his miracles they did not trust him.
[33]So he ended their days like a breath and their lives with sudden disaster.
[34]Whenever he killed some of them, the rest would turn to him; they would repent and pray earnestly to him.
[35]They remembered that God was their protector, that the Almighty came to their aid.
[36]But their words were all lies; nothing they said was sincere.
[37]They were not loyal to him; they were not faithful to their covenant with him.
[38]But God was merciful to his people. He forgave their sin and did not destroy them. Many times he held back his anger and restrained his fury.
[39]He remembered that they were only mortal beings, like a wind that blows by and is gone.
[40]How often they rebelled against him in the desert; how many times they made him sad!
[41]Again and again they put God to the test     and brought pain to the Holy God of Israel.
[42]They forgot his great power     and the day when he saved them from their enemies    
[67]But he rejected the descendants of Joseph;     he did not select the tribe of Ephraim.
[69]There he built his Temple like his home in heaven; he made it firm like the earth itself,     secure for all time.
[70]He chose his servant David; he took him from the pastures,    
[71]where he looked after his flocks, and he made him king of Israel, the shepherd of the people of God.
[72]David took care of them with unselfish devotion and led them with skill.