Do not worry

Reading Matthew 6:25-34, NIV

Map: do not worry: eat, drink, wear-life more important-cannot add a single hour to his life-eat, drink, wear; examples to look at: birds of the air, lilies of the field-Solomon, splendour-dressed, grass of the field-heavenly Father knows you need them (vs 32, NIV).

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (vs 33).

Thoughts: Get your priority right in life. With God on your side-ally, friend, Father; everything will fall in place; guarantee success in life.

Outcome: no need to worry in anything in life whether is Covid-19 pandemic, any other illnesses, food , drink, wear, life partner etc.

Behaviours outcome: no worry in life, courageous, bold, positive outlook, correct boleh attitude, treatment of others, manner of communication, meaning of life, lack in nothing, wise, knowledge, wealth, power, joy, peace, love, strength and courage to face trials, dangers, persecutions in life, lives a victorious life. Spend quality time with God and learn from Him daily.

Practise, lives it out-turns God’s Word to reality-no more theories but real, dynamic, exciting, uplifting, powerful, joyous-Ed, 15-02-2021

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