Drought, Famine, Sword

Jeremiah 14:1-16; 17-22; Chapter 15:1-9, 15:10-19, NIV

Map highlights

Sins (vs 7), stubborn, foolish, not listening to Him, blind rebellion against God leads to: remove from his presence, his protection, judgement etc-some disastrous outcomes: captivity, drought-famine, no rain, cry, dismayed and despairing (Chap. 14). On false prophets-tell lies using God’s names…will perish by sword and famine (vs 15)…pour out on them the calamity they deserve (vs 16). Jeremiah’s eyes overflow with tears…grievous wound…crushing blow…slain by sword…ravages of famine…rejected Judah. . . O LORD, we acknowledge our wickedness and the guilt of our fathers; we have indeed sinned against you…sake of your name…not despise us; do not dishonour your glorious throne…covenant vs 20-21. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this vs 22.

Chapter 15:1-9, NIV

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…Moses and Samuel.. Send them away from my presence! Let them go! vs 1…’Where shall we go?’..the LORD says:…destined for death, to death; those for the sword, to the sword;..starvation…captivity vs 2;

…srnd four kinds of destroyers against them, declares the LORD, -..sword.., dogs..,…birds of the air.., the beasts of the earth..devour and destroy…- abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth bcause of what Manasseh son of Hezekiah king of Judah did in Jerusalem vs 4;..pity..mourn…rejected me. .keep on backsliding. ..will lay hands on you and destroy you…no longer show compassion…winnowing fork…bring bereavement and destruction..have not changed their ways…make their widows more numerous..midday..bring destroyer….anguish and teror…breathe her last…will be disgraced and humiliated…put survivors to the sword before their enemies…vs 9.

Summary thoughts: there come a point of sins that the LORD would not show compassion; where judgement and punishment is executed. that time is disaster..four destroyers will be unleashed. terror and anguish…. This is worst than Covid-19 pabdemic. Fear the LORD, walk in the path of righteousness for this to never, never happen. Ed, 30-06-2021.

Repent means change of heart, change of mind, synchronizes to God’s way; change of behaviour bearing good fruits; choose the right path-God’s ways. It may be a 180 or 360 degrees turnaround-Ed, 3-07-21.

Chapter 15:11-21

Repent..turn towards God,..be restored. vs 19….if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be be my spokesman vs 19. Let these people turn to you…vs 19…;…will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel vs 21.

Scenario opposite: repent, talk salty words-add value instead of worthless, talk nuts; trust, obedience, fear and reverence to God-enjoy His presence, protection, enjoy His abundance, love, blessings-great joy.

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