End Times and Millennium

Reflections from Bible Study on Isaiah 34, 35 and Revelations and 1 Thessalonians on the Rapture.

Rapture-those believe in Christ (the dead in Christ shall rise first) will be lifted up into the air to meet Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus and these believers or saints will rule the earth for a thousand years. Then Satan will be released (from the Abyss) causing troubles in earth; the great tribulations begin giving unbelievers another chance-great hardship during these times; people are forced to take on the beast marrk Revelations 13:15-18.

Satan finally gets defeated. All the dead will be raised to life for the 2nd final judgement. All unbelievers and Satan are thrown into the lake of fire to be tormented for eternity.

Temporary holding place for saints who have died-paradise.

Temporary holding place for Satan captured in end times-abyss.

Goats vs lambs mentioned. Only God knows who are they based on their hearts beliefs and deep secrets.

Comment: not saved more because of unrepentant hearts not so much over the rejection of the beast mark. Agree to disagree-God’s requirement just like the passover blood on the door to escape death.