Evil spirit casted out

  • Jesus casted out the deaf and dumb spirit
  • Jesus said everything is possible for him who believes and the boy’s father exclaimed that he believes but help him to overcome his unbelief vs 23 – 24.

Mark 9:20-29
[20]They brought him to Jesus.As soon as the spirit saw Jesus, it threw the boy into a fit, so that he fell on the ground and rolled round, foaming at the mouth.
[21]“How long has he been like this?” Jesus asked the father.“Ever since he was a child,” he replied.
[22]“Many times the evil spirit has tried to kill him by throwing him in the fire and into water. Have pity on us and help us, if you possibly can!”
[23]“Yes,” said Jesus, “if you yourself can! Everything is possible for the person who has faith.”
[24]The father at once cried out, “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me to have more!”
[25]Jesus noticed that the crowd was closing in on them, so he gave a command to the evil spirit. “Deaf and dumb spirit,” he said, “I order you to come out of the boy and never go into him again!”
[26]The spirit screamed, threw the boy into a bad fit, and came out. The boy looked like a corpse, and everyone said, “He is dead!”
[27]But Jesus took the boy by the hand and helped him to rise, and he stood up.
[28]After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive the spirit out?”
[29]“Only prayer can drive this kind out,” answered Jesus; “nothing else can.”