Genuine humble, true fasting, God’s ways

Isaiah 58:1-14, NIV

Map: genuine humble heart; true fasting not for show with arrogant & rebellious heart and attitude; obedience to God’s ways-address the issues of injustice, the hungry, the naked-actions to help not just words, this to God is considered true fasting; live for God and serve Him. Honour the Sabbath, it a delight and the LORD’s holy day honourable, and you honour it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words. then you will find your joy in the LORD ..vs 13-14

Outcomes: God listens and answers your prayers gladly; well-watered garden..vs 11; meet all your needs, ..strengthen your frame vs 11, success followed; address all your concerns-joys followed-Ed, 9-5-2021.

I believe in God our Father

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