God of all the earth-the Future Glory of Zion

Isaiah 54:1-9, NIV

Map: ..your Maker, your Redeemer 5-6; ..call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit..; …a brief moment abandoned you, but with deep compassion will bring you back…everlasting kindness…have compassion..Redeemer…days of Noah vs 6-9.

This I Believe The Creed

Matthew 18:15-35

Map: scenario someone sins against you; how to handle it…2-3 witnesses…2-3 agree about anything you ask for…will be done for you by my Father in heaven…; two or three come together in my name, there am I with them vs 15-20; how many times to forgive vs 21; took pity…cancelled the debt vs 27…likewise do the same to other..; forgive your brother from your heart.

Summary: how to handle hurt, offense & disputes; how to forgive and how many times; cancelled the debt.


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