God, the teacher; full of riches

Psalm 119:65-80


Learn directly from God-full of riches in wisdom, knowledge, righteous, love, compassion, authority etc vs 66, 72, 75-77

66. Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands.

72. The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

God owns everything…trillionaires on earth are no comparison to God’s riches and wisdom…different planes and levels. TH: Trillionaires can be spiritually naked and poor in their pride and arrogance

…unfailing love…comfort vs 76

…compassion vs 77…law is my delight. TH: Not burdensome.

TH: ….delight…precious…meditate on your precepts vs 78.

Arrogant people: their hearts are callous and unfeeling vs 70, 78.