God’s faithfulness

  • The Psalmist praises God among the nations Psalm 108:3;
  • The Psalmist shares God’s faithfulness and deep love in Psalm 108:4;
  • Me+God=victory Psalm 108:13.

Psalms 108:1,3-7,10-13
[1]I have complete confidence, O God! I will sing and praise you! Wake up, my soul!    
[3]I will thank you, O Lord, among the nations.     I will praise you among the peoples.
[4]Your constant love reaches above the heavens; your faithfulness touches the skies.
[5]Show your greatness in the sky, O God, and your glory over all the earth.
[6]Save us by your might; answer my prayer, so that the people you love may be rescued.
[7]From his sanctuary God has said,  “In triumph I will divide Shechem and distribute the Valley of Sukkoth to my people.
[10]Who, O God, will take me into the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?
[11]Have you really rejected us? Aren’t you going to march out with our armies?
[12]Help us against the enemy; human help is worthless.
[13]With God on our side we will win; he will defeat our enemies.

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