Great overview summary of Israel past

The Psalmist gave a great overview summary of Israel’s past and God dealings with them in Psalm 105.

Psalms 105:1-5,7-45
[1]Give thanks to the Lord, proclaim his greatness;  tell the nations what he has done.
[2]Sing praise to the Lord; tell of the wonderful things he has done.
[3]Be glad that we belong to him; let all who worship him rejoice.
[4]Go to the Lord for help; and worship him continually.
5 You descendants of Abraham, his servant; you descendants of Jacob, the man he chose: remember the miracles that God performed and the judgements that he gave.
[7]The Lord is our God; his commands are for all the world.
[8]He will keep his covenant for ever, his promises for a thousand generations.
[9]He will keep the agreement he made with Abraham and his promise to Isaac.
[10]The Lord made a covenant with Jacob, one that will last for ever.
[11]“I will give you the land of Canaan,” he said.     “It will be your own possession.”
[12]God’s people were few in number, strangers in the land of Canaan.
[13]They wandered from country to country,     from one kingdom to another.
[14]But God let no one oppress them; to protect them, he warned the kings:
[15]“Don’t harm my chosen servants; do not touch my prophets.”
[16]The Lord sent famine to their country and took away all their food.
[17]But he sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who had been sold as a slave.
[18]His feet were kept in chains, and an iron collar was round his neck,    
[19]until what he had predicted came true. The word of the Lord proved him right.
[20]Then the king of Egypt had him released;     the ruler of nations set him free.
[21]He put him in charge of his government and made him ruler over all the land,    
[22]with power over the king’s officials and authority to instruct his advisers.
[23]Then Jacob went to Egypt and settled in that country.
[24]The Lord gave many children to his people     and made them stronger than their enemies.
[25]He made the Egyptians hate his people and treat his servants with deceit.
[26]Then he sent his servant Moses, and Aaron, whom he had chosen.
[27]They did God’s mighty acts and performed miracles in Egypt.
[28]God sent darkness on the country, but the Egyptians did not obey his command.
[29]He turned their rivers into blood and killed all their fish.
[30]Their country was overrun with frogs, even the palace was filled with them.
[31]God commanded, and flies and gnats     swarmed throughout the whole country.
[32]He sent hail and lightning on their land     instead of rain;
[33]he destroyed their grapevines and fig trees     and broke down all the trees.
[34]He commanded, and the locusts came,     countless millions of them;
[35]they ate all the plants in the land; they ate all the crops.
[36]He killed the firstborn sons of all the families of Egypt.
[37]Then he led the Israelites out; they carried silver and gold, and all of them were healthy and strong.
[38]The Egyptians were afraid of them and were glad when they left.
[39]God put a cloud over his people and a fire at night to give them light.
[40]They asked, and he sent quails; he gave them food from heaven to satisfy them.
[41]He opened a rock, and water gushed out,     flowing through the desert like a river.
[42]He remembered his sacred promise to Abraham his servant.
[43]So he led his chosen people out, and they sang and shouted for joy.
[44]He gave them the lands of other peoples     and let them take over their fields,
[45]so that his people would obey his laws and keep all his commands. Praise the Lord!