What does the bible says about LOVE and other topics? Heaven and the Lamb Heaven – every nation, tribe, race and language

Heaven – every nation, tribe, race and language


  • Every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb vs 9;
  • People of God in white robes made perfect through the blood of Christ will bow down and worship the Lamb of God (Christ);
  • No more hunger nor thirst nor experience scorching heat nor tears vs 16 – 17;
  • Christ (Lamb) will be their shepherd and lead them to springs of living water.

Revelation 7:9-17
[9]After this I looked, and there was an enormous crowd — no one could count all the people! They were from every race, tribe, nation, and language, and they stood in front of the throne and of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches in their hands.
[10]They called out in a loud voice: “Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the throne, and from the Lamb!”
[11]All the angels stood round the throne, the elders, and the four living creatures. Then they threw themselves face downwards in front of the throne and worshipped God,
[12]saying, “Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power, and might belong to our God for ever and ever! Amen!”
[13]One of the elders asked me, “Who are these people dressed in white robes, and where do they come from?”
[14]“I don’t know, sir. You do,” I answered.He said to me, “These are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecution. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb.
[15]That is why they stand before God’s throne and serve him day and night in his temple. He who sits on the throne will protect them with his presence.
[16]Never again will they hunger or thirst; neither sun nor any scorching heat will burn them,
[17]because the Lamb, who is in the centre of the throne, will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”