All heaven declares

Psalm 89


God speaking..vs 3-4…eternal throne…

….heavens praise your wonders , O Lord…

…talking about evidences based faith…praises of God from a fellow human being-King David.

…knowing God from this Psalm…vs 14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.


Luke 12:49-57

….brings division…?..divided, father against son…mother against daughter…

We are living in a fallen world causes this division…reminded me of the testimony given by Nabeel Qurashi..a Christian vs Muslim father and mother. etc

…reconciled fast with the adversary on the way before get thrown into a prison vs 57.

Acts 3:11-25


Peter testified Christ vs 12-16…killed..raised vs 15…must remain in heaven vs 21…time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised

Mystery qns: once human beings are restored, does that mean no more choices…no guarantee that there would not be any rebellion in heaven? Cross one bridge at a time…leave it to the Almighty and Sovereign God.