Help of God worth a million


  • To have God on your side is a big deal; avoid letting God rejects you;
  • Help from God guarantees victory vs 11-12

Psalms 60:1-6,10-12
[1]You have rejected us, God, and defeated us;     you have been angry with us — but now turn back to us.
[2]You have made the land tremble, and you have cut it open; now heal its wounds, because it is falling apart.
[3]You have made your people suffer greatly;     we stagger around as though we were drunk.
[4]You have warned those who show you reverence, so that they might escape destruction.
[5]Save us by your might; answer our prayer,     so that the people you love may be rescued.
[6]From his sanctuary God has said,     “In triumph I will divide Shechem and distribute the Valley of Sukkoth to my people.
[10]Have you really rejected us?     Aren’t you going to march out with our armies?
[11]Help us against the enemy; human help is worthless.
[12]With God on our side we will win; he will defeat our enemies.