His love endures forever

In Psalm 118:1-4 taught about God’s love endures forever for those who fear the Lord;

It is good to take refuge in the Lord Psalm 118:9.

In Psalm 118:6-7, the Psalmist shared he is not afraid because the Lord is with him and He is his helper;

In Psalm:118:19, the Psalmist mentioned about entering the gates of righteousness and give thanks to the Lord.

Psalms 118:1-10,13-15,17-21
[1]Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good,     and his love is eternal.
[2]Let the people of Israel say, “His love is eternal.”
[3]Let the priests of God say, “His love is eternal.”
[4]Let all who worship him say, “His love is eternal.”
[5]In my distress I called to the Lord; he answered me and set me free.
[6]The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid;     what can anyone do to me?
[7]It is the Lord who helps me, and I will see my enemies defeated.
[8]It is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on human beings.
[9]It is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on human leaders.
[10]Many enemies were round me; but I destroyed them by the power of the Lord!
[13]I was fiercely attacked and was being defeated, but the Lord helped me.
[14]The Lord makes me powerful and strong;     he has saved me.
[15]Listen to the glad shouts of victory in the tents of God’s people: “The Lord’s mighty power has done it!    
[17]I will not die; instead, I will live and proclaim what the Lord has done.
[18]He has punished me severely, but he has not let me die.
[19]Open to me the gates of the Temple; I will go in and give thanks to the Lord!
[20]This is the gate of the Lord; only the righteous can come in.
[21]I praise you, Lord, because you heard me,     because you have given me victory.