Historical rundown of wisdom

Proverbs 8:24-36 gives a historical rundown of wisdom; wisdom is a person-refers to Christ? was there before God makes earth.

Whoever finds him finds life and receives favour from the LORD in vs 35. Solid faith (faith from above) in God and happiness are by products of finding Wisdom.

Amazing God, Wisdom and Spirit gave me the lyrics for this song below when I only know the tune but has forgotten the lyrics. Boom, the title of the song comes to my head just like that. Ed, 12-11-2020.

Proverbs 8:24-36, GNB
[24]I was born before the oceans, when there were no springs of water.
[25]I was born before the mountains, before the hills were set in place,
[26]before God made the earth and its fields or even the first handful of soil.
[27]I was there when he set the sky in place,     when he stretched the horizon across the ocean,
[28]when he placed the clouds in the sky, when he opened the springs of the ocean
[29]and ordered the waters of the sea to rise no further than he said. I was there when he laid the earth’s foundations.
[30]I was beside him like an architect, I was his daily source of joy, always happy in his presence —
[31]happy with the world and pleased with the human race.
[32]“Now, young people, listen to me. Do as I say, and you will be happy.
[33]Listen to what you are taught. Be wise; do not neglect it.
[34]Those who listen to me will be happy —     those who stay at my door every day, waiting at the entrance to my home.
[35]Those who find me find life, and the Lord will be pleased with them.
[36]Those who do not find me hurt themselves;     anyone who hates me loves death.”

Proverbs 8:24-36
[24]I was born before the oceans,     when there were no springs of water.
[25]I was born before the mountains,     before the hills were set in place,
[26]before God made the earth and its fields     or even the first handful of soil.
[27]I was there when he set the sky in place,     when he stretched the horizon across the ocean,
[28]when he placed the clouds in the sky,     when he opened the springs of the ocean
[29]and ordered the waters of the sea     to rise no further than he said. I was there when he laid the earth’s foundations.
[30]I was beside him like an architect,     I was his daily source of joy,     always happy in his presence —
[31]happy with the world     and pleased with the human race.
[32]“Now, young people, listen to me. Do as I say, and you will be happy.
[33]Listen to what you are taught. Be wise; do not neglect it.
[34]Those who listen to me will be happy —     those who stay at my door every day, waiting at the entrance to my home.
[35]Those who find me find life, and the Lord will be pleased with them.
[36]Those who do not find me hurt themselves;     anyone who hates me loves death.”