Hope in God


  • No one whose hope in God will ever be put to shame;
  • David’s thoughts on God and he cried out to God to deliver him from his enemies.

Psalms 25:1-21
[1]To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer;    
[2]in you, my God, I trust. Save me from the shame of defeat; don’t let my enemies gloat over me!
[3]Defeat does not come to those who trust in you, but to those who are quick to rebel against you.
[4]Teach me your ways, O Lord; make them known to me.
[5]Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me. I always trust in you.
[6]Remember, O Lord, your kindness and constant love which you have shown from long ago.
[7]Forgive the sins and errors of my youth. In your constant love and goodness, remember me, Lord!
[8]Because the Lord is righteous and good, he teaches sinners the path they should follow.
[9]He leads the humble in the right way and teaches them his will.
[10]With faithfulness and love he leads all who keep his covenant and obey his commands.
[11]Keep your promise, Lord, and forgive my sins, for they are many.
[12]Those who have reverence for the Lord will learn from him the path they should follow.
[13]They will always be prosperous, and their children will possess the land.
[14]The Lord is the friend of those who obey him and he affirms his covenant with them.
[15]I look to the Lord for help at all times, and he rescues me from danger.
[16]Turn to me, Lord, and be merciful to me,     because I am lonely and weak.
[17]Relieve me of my worries and save me from all my troubles.
[18]Consider my distress and suffering and forgive all my sins.
[19]See how many enemies I have; see how much they hate me.
[20]Protect me and save me; keep me from defeat. I come to you for safety.
[21]May my goodness and honesty preserve me, because I trust in you.