Isaiah 6:1-13 revisit B Study

Reign: King Uzziah 791-739 BC; Assyrian’s record: 783-742 BC
Angels: …saw the LORD seated on the throne, high and exalted-vision?. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings…calling to one another..Holy, holy, holy..what a sight..vs of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD coal..touched your lips..guilt is taken away..sun atoned..”Whom shallI send?…”Here am I, Send me!”
Seraphim-angels of highest order but still weaker than an Archangel.
Qns: thought nobody has ever seen God?
New testament angel comparison:era the angel Gabriel was sent from God..Luke 1:26-38.
Gabriel is an archangel.
In modern days, what occasions you have heard of angels get sent?…accident wreckage.
Message from God to the people:
..ever hearing..never understanding..(i.e not listening); ever seeing, but never perceiving; .heart of this people..calloused (hardened..insensitive)…not healed because of this. Their sins causing this? vs 9-10.
..for how long…cities lie ruined..houses left deserted..until the LORD has sent everyone far is utterly forsaken…the holy seed will be the stump in the land vs 11-13.
