Isaiah’s vision

Reading Isaiah 11-20, NIV

Summary: sinful nation, meaningless offerings, punished, offerings and prayers rejected by God, repent of their sins, turn back to God b4 is too late.

Map on: ox knows its master; Israel has rebelled against God, do not understand, spiritually blind, sinful nation, loaded with guilt, brood of evil doers, given to corruption, forsaken the Lord, spurned (contempt) the Holy One of Israel, punished-whole head is injured, whole heart afflicted, sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness-omly wounds and welts and open sores, not cleaned or bandaged or soothed with oil (vs 5-6, NIV); country in desolate, fields are stripped by foreigners…like city under siege..; God is merciful, left some survivors otherwise would be like Sodom & Gomorrah; God hates all the in sincere and meaningless burnt offerings to Him, He would not listen to their multitudes of prayers under such circumstances-waste of time in offerings and prayers in such circumstances..cannot bear evil assemblies…my spul hates..become a burden to me; weary of bearing them…offer many prayers, I WILL NOT LISTEN (,vs 15, NIV);…hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean i.e repent; come now, let us REASON TOGETHER (vs 18); sins are like scarlet..white as snow;…willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by sword.. (vs 20, NIV).
Great is thy faithfulness

Isaiah 1:1-20, GNB
[1]This book contains the messages about Judah and Jerusalem which God revealed to Isaiah son of Amoz during the time when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah.
[2]The Lord said, “Earth and sky, listen to what I am saying! The children I brought up have rebelled against me.
[3]Cattle know who owns them, and donkeys know where their master feeds them. But that is more than my people Israel know. They don’t understand at all.”
[4]You are doomed, you sinful nation, you corrupt and evil people! Your sins drag you down! You have rejected the Lord, the holy God of Israel, and have turned your backs on him.
[5]Why do you keep on rebelling? Do you want to be punished even more? Israel, your head is already covered with wounds, and your heart and mind are sick.
[6]From head to foot there is not a healthy spot on your body. You are covered with bruises and sores and open wounds. Your wounds have not been cleaned or bandaged. No ointment has been put on them.
[7]Your country has been devastated, and your cities have been burnt to the ground. While you look on, foreigners take over your land and bring everything to ruin.
[8]Jerusalem alone is left, a city under siege — as defenceless as a guard’s hut in a vineyard or a shed in a cucumber field.
[9]If the Lord Almighty had not let some of the people survive, Jerusalem would have been totally destroyed, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were.
[10]Jerusalem, your rulers and your people are like those of Sodom and Gomorrah. Listen to what the Lord is saying to you. Pay attention to what our God is teaching you.
[11]He says, “Do you think I want all these sacrifices you keep offering to me? I have had more than enough of the sheep you burn as sacrifices and of the fat of your fine animals. I am tired of the blood of bulls and sheep and goats.
[12]Who asked you to bring me all this when you come to worship me? Who asked you to do all this tramping about in my Temple?
[13]It’s useless to bring your offerings. I am disgusted with the smell of the incense you burn. I cannot stand your New Moon Festivals, your Sabbaths, and your religious gatherings; they are all corrupted by your sins.
[14]I hate your New Moon Festivals and holy days; they are a burden that I am tired of bearing.
[15]“When you lift your hands in prayer, I will not look at you. No matter how much you pray, I will not listen, for your hands are covered with blood.
[16]Wash yourselves clean. Stop all this evil that I see you doing. Yes, stop doing evil
[17]and learn to do right. See that justice is done — help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows.”
[18]The Lord says, “Now, let’s settle the matter. You are stained red with sin, but I will wash you as clean as snow. Although your stains are deep red, you will be as white as wool.
[19]If you will only obey me, you will eat the good things the land produces.
[20]But if you defy me, you are doomed to die. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

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