Israel-anointed one, covenant, and his story

Psalm 105


why Israel has a special place in God’s heart vs 8-45

…covenant he made with Abraham vs 9-13…everlasting covenant vs 10;…give them the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit.

…history…sent a man before them…Joseph…Israel entered Egypt…alien…suffered…sent Moses and Aaron…miraculous signs…waters into blood…frogs…spoke…swarm of flies.. gnats…rain into hail…locusts…struck down the firstborn in their land vs 36

TH: so powerful, Sovereign, and Almighty…just spoke…come into being…every living beings at His disposal…deserves the worship of His creation includes me.

vs 42..remembered his holy promise given to his servant Abraham…vsc43 brought out his people with rejoicing

vs 14 He allowed no-one to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings…

…that they might keep his precepts and observe his laws vs 45.

Full of God intervention in mankind history via Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) line.

This chapter is action packed.