Jeremiah and the King

Jeremiah in prison and thrown Into a Cistern
Jeremiah Chapter 37,38, NIV


Not all prophecies are good news. Jeremiah’s prophecy is bad news for the king and the people surrounding him. That is why he is arrested and thrown the prison (house arrest) and later even thrown into the cistern-nearly die-so much for speaking the truth. Despite all these, king Zedekiah still trusts his prophecy and ask him the 2nd time in private not to hide anything from him vs 14, and even swear an oath..the LORD who has given us breath, I will neither kill you nor hand over to those who are seeking your life vs 16. Jeremiah told him what the Lord says with two choices posed to him vs 17-18. The king even expresses or confides his fear to Jeremiah vs 18. Jeremiah is asked to keep this conversation with the king secret. If his officials ask Jeremiah, the king even instruct him how to reply vs 26.
Interesting the outcome depends on the king’s choices and the overall outcomes cannot be changed) already known by God (another example of his sovereignty).

Importance of listening to God or His proxy (the true prophet) and follow by action(s) is so important.

Another interesting observation is God did not sent His angel to rescue Jeremiah from the prison or from the cistern-the good men around the king rescues him.

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