Jesus – Christ, the Son of God


  • Jesus answered Yes to the question whether He is Christ vs 63;
  • Jesus also mentioned in future how the Son of the Son of Man would come back.

Matthew 26:59,62-68
[59]The chief priests and the whole Council tried to find some false evidence against Jesus to put him to death;
[62]The High Priest stood up and said to Jesus, “Have you no answer to give to this accusation against you?”
[63]But Jesus kept quiet. Again the High Priest spoke to him, “In the name of the living God I now put you on oath: tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
[64]Jesus answered him, “So you say. But I tell all of you: from this time on you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of heaven!”
[65]At this the High Priest tore his clothes and said, “Blasphemy! We don’t need any more witnesses! You have just heard his blasphemy!
[66]What do you think?”They answered, “He is guilty and must die.”
[67]Then they spat in his face and beat him; and those who slapped him
[68]said, “Prophesy for us, Messiah! Guess who hit you!”

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