Joshua summary of the Lord’s goodness and his commitment to God at Shechem

Joshua 24:1-27-gave a historical account from Abraham’s father (Terah) to the conquered land of Canaanites, Hittites and many others as commanded by God in Deuteronomy 7-pay special attention to vs 2-to destroy them totally. Reflection: God can see the future troubles they would pose if not destroy totally; refer to Deuteronomy 7:4 and Judges 2:1-3. We as mere human beings cannot see the future (…,turn your sons away-Deuteronomy 7:4 and Judges 2:3) thorns in your sides and this act or command of genocide seems cruel to us at the time. Result of disobedience-God no longer help them-Judges 2:3..will not drive them out before you…

Also refer to Genesis 12:1-God’s promise to Abraham.