2 Kings 15, 16. NIV
Map stones:
Kings of Judah (South, Jerusalem : Azariah (good king);leprosy; Jotham (good king), his son succeeded him-rebuilt the Upper Gate of the temple of the LORD;Ahaz son of Jotham (evil) succeeded him (Ch 16, 1)-child sacrifice in the fire vs 3-follow detestable ways of the nations the LORD had driven out…; Rezin king of Aram and Pekah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem and beseiged Ahaz; Ahaz sought help from the King of Assyria Pul (Tiglath-Pileser); took gold and silver found in the temple of the LORD..gift to the king of Assyria vs 8…attacked Damacus and capturing it..put Rezin to death (Ch 16, 9); Ahaz saw altar in Damacus, asked Uriah the priest to sketch with detailed plans to build it…presented offerings on it…, bronze altar that stood before the LORD…burnt offerings…use the bronze altar for seeking guidance..; Hezekiah his son succeeded him
Kings of Israel (North, Samaria): Zechariah, son of king Jeroboam (bad king)-did evil; Shallum, son of Jabesh conspired and assassinated him and became king-ruled for one month; Menahem son of Gadi (bad king) attacked and assassinated him and became king-sacked Tipshsah, ripped open all the pregnant women; Pul of Assyria invaded the land, Menahem gave him a thousand talents of silver; taxed his people heavily; Pekahiah son of Menahem succeeded him (reigned for two years)-chapter 15, 23 (evil); one of his chief officers, Pekah son of Remaliah, conspired and assassinated him and became king (reigned 22 years)-did evil in the eyes of the LORD; Tiglath-Pileser or Pul king of Assyria..took all the land of Naphtali…deported the people to Assyria; Hosea son of Eah conspired and assassinated Pekah and became king-last king of Israel
Foreign kings: Pul king of Assyria-also called Tiglath-Pileser; Rezin king of Aram (during the reign of Jotham king of Judah and Pekah king of Israel)
Geography: Sea of Galilee, North; Dead sea (South)

2 Kings 15:1-38, GNB
2 Kings 16:1-20, GNB
[1]In the seventeenth year of the reign of Pekah son of Remaliah as king of Israel, Ahaz son of Jotham became king of Judah
[2]at the age of twenty, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. He did not follow the good example of his ancestor King David; instead, he did what was not pleasing to the Lord his God
[3]and followed the example of the kings of Israel. He even sacrificed his own son as a burnt offering to idols, imitating the disgusting practice of the people whom the Lord had driven out of the land as the Israelites advanced.
[4]At the pagan places of worship, on the hills, and under every shady tree, Ahaz offered sacrifices and burnt incense.
[5]King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel attacked Jerusalem and besieged it, but could not defeat Ahaz.
[6](At the same time, the king of Edom regained control of the city of Elath, and drove out the Judeans who lived there. The Edomites settled in Elath, and still live there.)
[7]Ahaz sent men to Tiglath Pileser, the emperor of Assyria, with this message: “I am your devoted servant. Come and rescue me from the kings of Syria and of Israel, who are attacking me.”
[8]Ahaz took the silver and gold from the Temple and the palace treasury and sent it as a present to the emperor.
[9]Tiglath Pileser, in answer to Ahaz’ plea, marched out with his army against Damascus, captured it, killed King Rezin, and took the people to Kir as prisoners.
[10]When King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Emperor Tiglath Pileser, he saw the altar there and sent back to Uriah the priest an exact model of it, down to the smallest details.
[11]So Uriah built an altar just like it, and finished it before Ahaz returned.
[12]On his return from Damascus, Ahaz saw that the altar was finished,
[13]so he burnt animal sacrifices and grain offerings on it, and poured a wine offering and the blood of a fellowship offering on it.
[14]The bronze altar dedicated to the Lord was between the new altar and the Temple, so Ahaz moved it to the north side of his new altar.
[15]Then he ordered Uriah: “Use this large altar of mine for the morning burnt offerings and the evening grain offerings, for the burnt offerings and grain offerings of the king and the people, and for the people’s wine offerings. Pour on it the blood of all the animals that are sacrificed. But keep the bronze altar for me to use for divination.”
[16]Uriah did as the king commanded.
[17]King Ahaz took apart the bronze carts used in the Temple and removed the basins that were on them; he also took the bronze tank from the backs of the twelve bronze bulls, and placed it on a stone foundation.
[18]And in order to please the Assyrian emperor, Ahaz also removed from the Temple the platform for the royal throne and closed up the king’s private entrance to the Temple.
[19]Everything else that King Ahaz did is recorded in The History of the Kings of Judah.
[20]Ahaz died and was buried in the royal tombs in David’s City, and his son Hezekiah succeeded him as king.