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Know the Father’s heart-make God happy

Jeremiah 22:1-30, NIV



Shallum (under the name Jehoahaz, son of Josiah)-bad king.


This chapter shows the Father’s heart and highlights God’s likes and dislikes; blessings or curses from Him.

Choose your outcomes in life-be wise, make God happy by choosing the righteous path of God; trust and obey him.

Be fair to fellow men. Defends the cause of the poor and needy, stay away from dishonest gains. This is what it means to know God vs 16. Ed, 20-07-2021.


Jeremiah 22:13-19,21,24-25,27-28, GNB
[13]Doomed is the man who builds his house by injustice  and enlarges it by dishonesty; who makes his countrymen work for nothing and does not pay their wages.
[14]Doomed is the one who says,  “I will build myself a mansion with spacious rooms upstairs.” So he puts windows in his house, panels it with cedar, and paints it red.
[15]Does it make you a better king if you build houses of cedar, finer than those of others? Your father enjoyed a full life.     He was always just and fair, and he prospered in everything he did.
[16]He gave the poor a fair trial, and all went well with him. That is what it means to know the Lord.
[17]But you can only see your selfish interests;     you kill the innocent and violently oppress your people. The Lord has spoken.
[18]So then, the Lord says about Josiah’s son Jehoiakim, king of Judah, “No one will mourn his death or say,  ‘How terrible, my friend, how terrible!’ No one will weep for him or cry,  ‘My lord! My king!’
[19]With the funeral honours of a donkey,  he will be dragged away and thrown outside Jerusalem’s gates.”
[21]The Lord spoke to you when you were prosperous,  but you refused to listen. That is what you’ve done all your life;  you never would obey the Lord.
[24]The Lord said to King Jehoiachin, son of King Jehoiakim of Judah, “As surely as I am the living God, even if you were the signet ring on my right-hand, I would pull you off
[25]and give you to people you are afraid of, people who want to kill you. I will give you to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia and his soldiers.
[27]You will long to see this country again, but you will never return.”
[28]I said, “Has King Jehoiachin become like a broken jar that is thrown away and that no one wants? Is that why he and his children have been taken into exile to a land they know nothing about?”

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