Mark of the beast on the forehead or hand


In Chapter 14 vs 9 gave a clear warning to steer away from receiving the mark of the beast on the forehead or on the hand OR face the wrath of God. We are called to endure patient and be overcomers.

Revelation 14:6-13
[6]Then I saw another angel flying high in the air, with an eternal message of Good News to announce to the peoples of the earth, to every race, tribe, language, and nation.
[7]He said in a loud voice, “Honour God and praise his greatness! For the time has come for him to judge. Worship him who made heaven, earth, sea, and the springs of water!”
[8]A second angel followed the first one, saying, “She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She made all peoples drink her wine — the strong wine of her immoral lust!”
[9]A third angel followed the first two, saying in a loud voice, “Whoever worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on their forehead or on their hand
[10]will themselves drink God’s wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger! All who do this will be tormented in fire and sulphur before the holy angels and the Lamb.
[11]The smoke of the fire that torments them goes up for ever and ever. There is no relief day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, for anyone who has the mark of its name.”
[12]This calls for endurance on the part of
God’s people, those who obey God’s commandments and are faithful to Jesus.
[13]Then I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: happy are those who from now on die in the service of the Lord!”“Yes indeed!” answers the Spirit. “They will enjoy rest from their hard work, because the results of their service go with them.”