Mercies, deliverance and creation

Psalm 102
Vs 1-24 Prayer for mercies and deliverance.
Vs 25-26 In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth…interesting to know that the old earth and heavens will perish, but God remains…wear out like a garment…change…discarded…points toward creation of a new earth and heavens?
Vs 28 the children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you.

Luke 17


Jesus talked about sins, faith as small as the mustard seed…ten healed of leprosy; only one is grateful…thanked Jesus…Samaritan…praising God in a loud voice vs 15-16.
…your faith has made you well vs 19.

Acts 9:32-43
Peter in Lydda and Joppa.
Peter healed a paralytic named Aeneas and brought the dead to life -Tabitha vs 40…displayed Jesus’ power.

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