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Proverbs 17:1-13. Wisdom speaks on: dry crust versus feasting with strife, wise servant versus disgraceful son, LORD tests the heart (vs 3), crucible for silver, furnace for gold, wicked man listens to, liar, mocks the poor-contempt for their Maker (vs 5), children’s children-crown, arrogrant lips, bribe, covers an offence promotes love (vs 9), rebuke, evil man, man pays back evil for good (vs 13).

Proverbs 17:1-13
[1]Better to eat a dry crust of bread with peace of mind than to have a banquet in a house full of trouble.
[2]A shrewd servant will gain authority over a master’s worthless son and receive a part of the inheritance.
[3]Gold and silver are tested by fire, and a person’s heart is tested by the Lord.
[4]Evil people listen to evil ideas, and liars listen to lies.
[5]If you laugh at poor people, you insult the God who made them. You will be punished if you take pleasure in someone’s misfortune.
[6]Grandparents are proud of their grandchildren, just as children are proud of their parents.
[7]Respected people do not tell lies, and fools have nothing worthwhile to say.
[8]Some people think a bribe works like magic; they believe it can do anything.
[9]If you want people to like you, forgive them when they wrong you. Remembering wrongs can break up a friendship.
[10]An intelligent person learns more from one rebuke than a fool learns from being beaten a hundred times.
[11]Death will come like a cruel messenger to wicked people who are always stirring up trouble.
[12]It is better to meet a mother bear robbed of her cubs than to meet some fool busy with a stupid project.
[13]If you repay good with evil, you will never get evil out of your house.
Joy down in my heart

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