My soul yearns for thee and his precious words

The Psalmist in Psalm 119:72-88 in his prayer to God have the highest regards for God. He regards the law from God is more precious to him than thousands pieces of silver and gold vs 72. He also highlighted all God’s commands are trustworthy in vs 86.

In vs 73, acknowledge his creation of him.

In Psalm 119:84, prayed that his persecutors or enemies be punished.

Highlight that God’s word is eternal and his faithfulness continues throgh all generations vs 89-90.

Psalms 119:72-90
[72]The law that you gave means more to me     than all the money in the world.
[73]You created me, and you keep me safe; give me understanding, so that I may learn your laws.
[74]Those who honour you will be glad when they see me, because I trust in your promise.
[75]I know that your judgements are righteous, Lord,  and that you punished me because you are faithful.
[76]Let your constant love comfort me,     as you have promised me, your servant.
[77]Have mercy on me, and I will live because I take pleasure in your law.
[78]May the proud be ashamed for falsely accusing me; as for me, I will meditate on your instructions.
[79]May those who honour you come to me —     all those who know your commands.
[80]May I perfectly obey your commandments     and be spared the shame of defeat.
[81]I am worn out, Lord, waiting for you to save me; I place my trust in your word.
[82]My eyes are tired from watching for what you promised, while I ask, “When will you help me?”
[83]I am as useless as a discarded wineskin; yet I have not forgotten your commands.
[84]How much longer must I wait? When will you punish those who persecute me?
[85]The proud, who do not obey your law, have dug pits to trap me.
[86]Your commandments are all trustworthy;     people persecute me with lies — help me!
[87]They have almost succeeded in killing me,     but I have not neglected your commands.
[88]Because of your constant love be good to me, so that I may obey your laws.
[89]Your word, O Lord, will last for ever;     it is eternal in heaven.
[90]Your faithfulness endures through all the ages; you have set the earth in place, and it remains.

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