Nothing is too hard for God


  • Sarah laughed when she heard that she will have a son in her old age vs 13;
  • Vs 14 – nothung is too hard for the LORD

Genesis 18:10-15
[10]One of them said, “Nine months from now I will come back, and your wife Sarah will have a son.”Sarah was behind him, at the door of the tent, listening.
[11]Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah had stopped having her monthly periods.
[12]So Sarah laughed to herself and said, “Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex? And besides, my husband is old too.”
[13]Then the Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Can I really have a child when I am so old?’
[14]Is anything too hard for the Lord? As I said, nine months from now I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”
[15]Because Sarah was afraid, she denied it. “I didn’t laugh,” she said.“Yes, you did,” he replied. “You laughed.”