What does the bible says about LOVE and other topics? Uncategorized Oracle of the LORD & tale of two baskets of figs

Oracle of the LORD & tale of two baskets of figs

Jeremiah 23:33-39, 24:1-10, NIV


..false claim as the oracle of the LORD..consequence-…will get punish…that man and his household vs 34….distort the words of the living God, the LORD Almighty, our God…must notclaim..surely forget you and cast you out ofmy presence…bring upon everlasting disgrace-everlasting shame that will not be forgotten.

Chapter 24

Basket 1-good figs…the exiles from Judah…sent away to the land of the Babylonians (597 BC). King Nebuchadnezzar reign-605-562 BC. In China during this period-Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC).

Zhou Dynasty as per extract from Wikipedia

This period of Chinese history produced what many consider the zenith of Chinese bronzeware making.[4] The latter period of the Zhou dynasty is also famous for the beginnings of three major Chinese philosophies: ConfucianismTaoism and Legalism. The Zhou dynasty also spans the period in which the written script evolved into its almost-modern form with the use of an archaic clerical script that emerged during the late Warring States period.

..sent away..my eyes will watch over them…will build them up and not tear them down.

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. (vs 4-7).

2nd basket of figs represents bad figs…kings got mentioned: Zedekiah king of Judah..his official and the survivors from Jerusalem..remain in this land or Egypt…make them abhorrent ..offence to all the kingdoms of the earth, a reproach and a byword, an object of ridicule and cursing, wherever I banish them. I will send the sword, famine, and plague against them…destroyed from the land…

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