Past, offerings to God, burden of sins, argue case

Isaiah 43:14-28, NIV

Map stones: forget the past….vs 18;…have not bought any fragrant calamus for me…, burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offenses..vs 24;…let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence..vs 26

Isaiah 43:14-28
[14]Israel’s holy God, the Lord who saves you, says, “To save you, I will send an army against Babylon;   I will break down the city gates, and the shouts of her people will turn into crying.
[15]I am the Lord, your holy God.  I created you, Israel, and I am your king.”
[16]Long ago the Lord made a road through the sea,  a path through the swirling waters.
[17]He led a mighty army to destruction, an army of chariots and horses. Down they fell, never to rise, snuffed out like the flame of a lamp!
[18]But the Lord says, “Do not cling to events of the past  or dwell on what happened long ago.
[19]Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already — you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness     and give you streams of water there.
[20]Even the wild animals will honour me;     jackals and ostriches will praise me when I make rivers flow in the desert to give water to my chosen people.
[21]They are the people I made for myself, and they will sing my praises!”
[22]The Lord says, “But you were tired of me, Israel; you did not worship me.
[23]You did not bring me your burnt offerings of sheep;  you did not honour me with your sacrifices. I did not burden you by demanding offerings or wear you out by asking for incense.
[24]You didn’t buy incense for me or satisfy me with the fat of your animals. Instead you burdened me with your sins; you wore me out with the wrongs you committed.
[25]And yet, I am the God who forgives your sins,     and I do this because of who I am. I will not hold your sins against you.
[26]“Let us go to court; bring your accusation!     Present your case to prove you are in the right!
[27]Your earliest ancestor sinned;  your leaders sinned against me,
[28]and your rulers profaned my sanctuary. So I brought destruction on Israel;  I let my own people be insulted.”

Jesus, we enthrone u
Jesus we enthrone you