Prayer to God on wicked and deceitful men

  • The Psalmist in Psalm 109 cries out to God not to be silent and to deal with wicked and deceitful men vs 1 to 15; the glove is off;
  • Does not sound forgiving; a prayer from the heart, no sugar coating.

Psalms 109:1-15
[1]I praise you, God; don’t remain silent!
[2]Wicked people and liars have attacked me. They tell lies about me    
[3]and they say evil things about me, attacking me for no reason.
[4]They oppose me, even though I love them     and have prayed for them.
[5]They pay me back evil for good and hatred for love.
[6]Choose some corrupt judge to try my enemy,     and let one of his own enemies accuse him.
[7]May he be tried and found guilty; may even his prayer be considered a crime!
[8]May his life soon be ended; may someone else take his job!
[9]May his children become orphans, and his wife a widow!
[10]May his children be homeless beggars; may they be driven from the ruins they live in!
[11]May his creditors take away all his property,   and may strangers get everything he worked for.
[12]May no one ever be kind to him     or care for the orphans he leaves behind.
[13]May all his descendants die, and may his name be forgotten in the next generation.
[14]May the Lord remember the evil of his ancestors and never forgive his mother’s sins.
[15]May the Lord always remember their sins,     but may they themselves be completely forgotten!