Ezekiel 36:1-37

From desolation to restoration..from mournings to joy.

..plundered..ravaged..object of people’s malicious talk vs 3-7.

Restoration-vs 8-38..prosper more than before..sprinkle clean water on you…clense you from all your impurities and from all your idols..new heart and new spirit..remove heart of stone..give you a heart of flesh vs 25-27

Mark 11:12-25

..cursed fig tree lesson vs 13, 20-24 and overturned the tables..money changers..house of prayer..den of robbers.. vs 15-18.

..talk about faith..move mountain..does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him vs 22-24.

How to handle relationship?-vs 25; sort it out as quickly as possible, forgive vs 25

1 John 5:13-21


Prayer for a brother who commits a sin that does not lead to death..prayer to God to give him life..vs 16….Thought (Th) you are your brother’s keeper

All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death vs 17.

We know anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one does not touch him. We know we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one-vs 18-20. Th: mystery; covenant or agreement? …true God and eternal life vs 20.

Lift Jesus higher..

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