Ezekiel 40:1-49, 41, 42, 43:1-27

Amazing details of the temple shown to Ezekiel in the vision and its dimensions-The East Gate/Outer Court/The North Gate/The South Gate/Gates to the Inner Court/The Rooms for Preparing Sacrifices/Rooms for the Priests/The Temple/the Altar; warrant a separate study.

Ezekiel Temple Vision

Ezekiel 42:13-14

Once the priests enter the holy precincts, they are not to go into the outer court until they leave the garmebts in which they minister, for these are holy. They are to put on other clothes before they go near the places that are for the people vs 14.

Th: once in the presence of God, even the garments becomes holy.

Mark 12:28-34


Most important commandment-Love God with:

*all your heart; all your soul; all your mind; all your strength.

Love your neighbor as yourself vs 31.

…more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Revelation 1:1-20

Patmos location in Greece
Sing Halleluiah

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