Daniel in the Den of Lions-Daniel 6:1-15

Reign: King Darius. Period as per google: from 522 to 486 BCE.

..appointed 120 satraps (provincial Governor) to rule throughout the kingdom with three administrators over them…Daniel, one of the administrators…distinguished himself among the administrators…by his exceptional qualities (meritocracy at play)..the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom vs 1-4.

Jealousy..administrators and the satraps..find charges against Daniel…could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent vs 4.

…unless it has something to do with the law of his God…persuade the king to issue an edict and enforce the decree..prays toany god or man…except to the king..be thrown into the lion’ dens…in accordance with the laws of the Medes and Persians vs 6-8…Daniel. .went home to his upstairs room..windows opened towards Jerusalem…Three times a day, he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God..vs 10…got caught in the act..reported..the king was trapped by his own decree..cannot be repealed…king was greatly distressed..determined to rescue Daniel vs 14-15.

Th: God is so important to Daniel that he trusts Him wih his life. He obeyed God’s law instead which in this case in conflict with man’s unjust and stupid law. This is an an example if true faith and trust in God..stands the test..his faith is so pure and strong just like his three friends who were thrown to the fiery furnace for standing up for God.

All You’ve Done..miry clay…from the everlasting

Jealousy at work has not changed with the passing of times. Daniel prayed to God, did not say anything bad about his colleagues…he leaves them to God dealing with them…compliance with the principle..vengeance is mine says the LORD-Romans 12:19, Deutronomy 32:35.

Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss vs 39…Jesus arrested and did not resist..saying…but the Scriptures must be fulfilled vs 48. Mark 14:43-51.

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