QT and B/Study

From 24/9/21 to 30/9/21, prepare B/Study on Isaiah Chapter 7-9. 

Characters: Judah: king Ahaz Israel (Ephraim); king Pekah; king of Syria (Aram), Rezin; king of Assyria.

Xref for R and D: 2 Chronicles; 2 Kings, 2 Ezekiel, Matthew, Micah, Hosea,You-tube, Google.

King Ahaz, evil king. Idol worshipper, set up many altars for worshipping of idols throughout Judah. He also practices child sacrifices. He asked king of Assyria for help and protection from the unholy alliance between Israel (Ephram) and the king of Syria (Aram) against Judah. In return give the precious items or treasures from the Lord’temple and from his own possession to the king of Assyria-another unholy alliance. King of Assyria gave him trouble  instead of help and in later years invaded Israel, Syria and Judah.
Isaiah sent to Ahaz telling him that that the joint forces by Israel and Syria would not succeed in overtaking Judah. God has a covenant with king David that there will alway a king sitting on king David’s throne. God offered Ahaz to be given a sign; Ahaz pretend to be religious turned down this offer. The sign that Israel and Syria would not succeed in the attack on Judah before the virgin birth of Immanuel and before the this child know right from wrong-more research needed on this.
The devastation suffered by Judah from the attack from Israel and Syria from the north..120,000 soldiers were slained by Israel in a day; captives taken from Judah to Israel, later returned as the Lord was angry with Israel. Judah also suffered attack from Egypt (metaphor-compared to flies), Syria (metaphor-compared to Bees) using a razor, and from Edom in the South; its king, nobles, common people humiliated-beards were shaved.
The land of Judah was desolated from the wars; its population de-populated, no crops cultivated, the land is overgrown with thorns and briers, its people eat curds and honey-natural produce from the land plus hunting with bow and arrow.
Prophecy on the coming Messiah (Immanuel) of virgin birth, Judah fall to the Assyria-Assyria metaphorically referred as the overflowing Euphrates river overtook Judah (Immanuel land) . Judah, Israel (Ephraim) and Syria became Assyria’s vassal states.
Punishment of Israel from unholy alliance with Syria (Gentiles).
Summary: Ahaz did not trust God. Asked a Gentile king for help and protection instead of God.
Prophecy on coming Messiah, Immanuel of virgin birth. God punishment of Judah-attacks from Israel, Syria, Assyria. It’s kings and people exiled from its own land to Babylon, Egypt, Edom leaving its land in desolation.
God also punished Israel for its attack on its brother Judah and its unholy alliance with Syria.
Some prophecies yet to be fulfilled-Messianic rule on earth. Doom and gloom of Judah from the defeats of many wars.

Prophecy of the light will shine through this darkness with the coming of the Messiah, Emmanuel and that he will rule the land in future-sits on David’s throne.
Men cannot win in a fight with God. God can use arsenals (famine, plagues, pandemic, insects, birds if the air, animals, wind, rain, flood, etc) in His disposal to change nations and history and to achieve His sovereign purposes.
Moral of the story: know God, love and trust Him, fear him, do not make him angry, involves him in every decision making to achieve best outcomes for yourself, loved ones, country and the world. God always wins. Every real prophecies from God will come to past.

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
At end of Chapter 8, period of darkness and gloom Isaiah 8, 2 Kings 17. Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 9 on the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ vs 2, 6.
Refer to the 2nd coming of Christ vs 3, 5, 7.
Back to 1st coming of Christ vs 6.

Millenial Kingdom vs 7-no king of Jews sitting on the throne of David since exiled to Babylon. Rev 3:21; Luke 1:32 ;2nd Kings 17.

Isaiah Chapter 9 explained
For unto us a child is born…

Isaiah Ch 7

There is none like you

Reflection on the B Study-2-10-21. Attendees appear not read the files sent to them. One member came across as prideful, egoistic, opinionated-disruptive and disrespectful. Not worth lots of effort put in. Most important is what God views on me, get his support-should not care too much others opinion of me. True to God.