Joel 2:12, NIV

Rend your heart (repentance); turns your heart towards God..behaviours of a repentant heart…outcomes: forgiveness of God, abundance…sent you abundant showers both autumn and spring rains as before…filled with …overflow with new wine and oil…vs 23-25.

You will plenty to eat, until you are full….pour out my spirit …will prophesy,…old men will dream dreams .show wonders in the heavens… sun will turn to darkness… And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved vs 26-32.

Th: time and time in the Bible, people are called to repent..turns to God but few responded to the call.

Jesus rejected in Nazareth-Luke 4:13-27

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and the news about him spread..He taught in their synagogues…everyone praised him…went to Nazareth…Sabbath day…stood up and read..scroll of the prophet Isaiah…(Isaiah 61:1,2)..Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing vs 21….no prophet is accepted in his home town..Elijah..sky was shut for three and a half years…severe famine..Th: no global warming was mentioned then…..widow in Zarepath in the region of Sidon…Elisha..Naaman the Syrian was mentioned by Jesus.

Spirit of God is associated with power, dreams, visions, spiritual fruits and gifts, gentleness.

Lift Jesus Higher..

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