Jonah 3:1-10; 4:1-11, NIV

Obs & Lessons

Background Nineveh-in modern Iraq.

Character of God further revealed

God needs a humsn being to tell fellow human beings to repent; in this case, Jonah was chosen.

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened vs 10.

Reflection: God is compassionate, His desire is for sinners to turn back to him and be healed.

So God has great compassion for those who repent before it is too late. God too can change his mind-we are made in the image of God.

Fasting-a conscious choice of repentance vs 6-9; the king’s decree vs 7…

Chapter 4

Obs: Jonah was angry over God’s compassion for the people of Nineveh..even willing to die vs 9. If a person is willing to die for a cause i e not scare of dying-brave men…the signal sent is powerful and laser focus Other examples: Moses, Daniel and his friends, Paul, early Christians including the apostles-how they died keeping their faith.

Jonah angry over the death of a vine thst he did not planted and has no compassion over more than one hundred and twenty thousand people perishing if Nineveh were to be destroyed. These people are so blinded and sinful that they cannot tell their right hand from their left vs 11. Remind me of Jesus saying on the cross-Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.

Ah Lord, God…

Luke 7:1-10, NIV

The Faith of the Centurion and remote healing

Th: operate under authority…just need to commsnd..just need to command, do not need to be there and his servant will be healed vs 7.

Outcome: his servant who is highly valued by his master got healed becsuse of his faith and Jesus authority to heal diseases regardless of where he is-not constraint by location.

Th: should still apply today if Jesus commands sitting at the right hand of God in heaven.

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