Revelation 19:1-21, NIV

….heaven standing open…Jesus on a white horse…rider is called Faithful and True….judges and makes war…dressed in a robe dipped in blood his name is the Word of God…armies of heaven were following him… out of his mouth comes a sharp sword eith which to strike down the nations…will rule them with an iron sceptre…treads the winepress of the fury ofcthe wrath of God Almighty….his name written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. .Hgs: battle with the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies…the beast captured, and with him the false prophet. The two of them were thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulphur… .rest of them were killed with the sword that csme out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

Ths and reflections:

Jesus not on donkey (mild) but high on a white horse with his heavenly army….eyes are blazing fire, and his head are many crowns. Vivid imageries of Jesus…rule them with an iron sceptre. He will administer the fury of the wrath of God (treads the winepress)…Jesus was addressed with many other names here The great war with the beast and his armies. Finale: the beast was captured; he and his prophet thrown into the lake of fire (burning sulphur). Warrants a separate study.

Crown Him eith many crowns

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