Quiet time-Desperate mourning times

Lamentations Ch 4, 5, NIV

Times of sorrows Ch 4:1-22…it happened because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests who shed the blood of the righteous..vs 12 and pleading cries to God for restoration-Ch 5:19-22.

You, O LORD, reign for ever; your throne endures from generation to generation Ch 5:19, NIV

Great is thy faithfulness…
The Steadfast Love of the Lord

Choice between sins path and righteous pathreflections from reading the Bible

Direction of outcomes of sins, evil, wickedness path: wage of sins is death (spiritual), ugliness of sins sinking deeper and deeper in the sand, desolation, no peace, brokenness, no fair justice, strong dominates the weak and marginalised groups, handed over to the enemies, exile, no respect, fears, hate, numbness of heart, lies, no eternal hope of salvation, removes from his presence and protection ultimately…

Direction of outcomes of God’s righteous path: joy, blessings, abundance, peace, never lacking, salvation-path to heaven with God, hope, meaning, true love, stands on solid rock-stand firm throughout life’s tribulations, follows the ancient ways of truth-God’s ways, enjoys his presence and protection, our King of kings and Lord of Lords.

Checkpoint from 27-08-21: Which one do you choose?-Ed

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