What does the bible says about LOVE and other topics? Uncategorized Quiet time-Lamentations. Horrific or terrors times

Quiet time-Lamentations. Horrific or terrors times

Lamentations 2:1-22, NIV


Scenes of terrors, destruction, despondency to God’s chosen people; their enemies gloat over them vs 17. God had rejected them because of their sins provoking the anger and wrath of God.

How the LORD has covered the Daughter of Zion with the cloud of his anger…hurled down the splendour of Israel from heaven to earth…vs 1

Without pity the LORD has swallowed up all the dwellings of Jacob; in his wrath he has torn down the strongholds of the Daughter of Judah vs 2…king and her princes are exiled among the nations, the law is no more, and her prophets no longer find visions from the LORD..vs 9….The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The oracles they gave you were false and misleading…vs 14…In the day of the LORD’s anger no-one escaped or survived; those I cared for and reared, my enemy has destroyed. vs 22.

Pandemic C-19 sufferings paled in comparison to what happened above. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom…pray for blessings of the LORD and steer clear of His anger and wrath at sins; for who can withstands his anger and wrath.

The splendour of the king..

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