Quiet time-unfaithfulness

Ezekiel 15:1-8; Chapter 16:1-42; 43-63


Jerusalem-a useless vine because of its sins and wickedness…make the land desolate vs 8.

Ch 16-The anger and wrath of the LORD reveals in an allegory (story or poem..to reveal a hidden meaning..typically a moral one) of unfaithful Jerusalem and the judgment and punishment that follow vs 37-42.

Ch 16:43-63

Comparison of Jerusalem to her sisters Samaria in the north and Sodom in the south in terms of detestable practices.


Guilt: ungrateful, unfaithful, promiscous, blood on their hands-child sacrifice, idols worshippers (built lofty shrines and mounds in many places)-provokes God’s jealous anger and wrath.

Mark 4:35-41, NIV


Even the waves obey Jesus -just three words “Quiet! Be still!” vs 41…very cool, no fear. Jesus-authority over nature-God. He cares of our cries but at his own timing.

Put your hand in the hand..

2 Timothy 1:17, NIV


Paul encouraged young Timothy…For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline vs 7. He is totally convicted of his belief in Christ, know where he is going and of his eternal reward vs 12; that is why he is willing to suffer for Christ, 100% living for Christ, not ashamed of being in chains for him or to testify him and is willing to die for him to promote his cause. He is fearless, action packed, sincere faith, full of energy to carry out Christ’s works.

I know whom I have believed..

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