Acts 17:10-15
The Berean Christians…with great eagerness and examined the scriptures everyday to see if what Psul said was true vs 11. Th: who brought the gospels to the Berean Christian originally?
Acts 17:10-15
The Berean Christians…with great eagerness and examined the scriptures everyday to see if what Psul said was true vs 11. Th: who brought the gospels to the Berean Christian originally?
Luke 22:1-23
Jesus words spoken and executed on the arrangement for the last supper exactly as he ordered hus disciples vs 10-13.
Jesus instituted the last supper in memory of him before he comes back again vs 14-20.
Precept is voluntary. A commandment needs only one reason- the order. A precept needs two reasons – doing it hurts oneself, and hurts others. A commandment need only to obey, a precept needs contemplation to see if it benefits oneself and others-(a).
Each of these are quite different, the decreed will of God is that which absolutely will come to pass and no one can stop it. Whereas the commanded will of God are the things God desires but does not force, with this will our compliance is required-(b).
As a review, a commandment is an order or charge given us to keep or observe (the 10 commandments, observing His Feast Days and the Sabbath, etc), judgments tell us how to handle situations that arise between His own people, and statutes are the decrees or requirements describing how to live in obedience to Him-(c).
(a)-(c) source from google
Psalm 119-81-112
King David loved God’s commands, laws, precepts degrees, word, statutes; he neditated on them-, get great joy from obeying them. He also gained great wisdom vs 98, insights, understanding, riches from immersing himself in them. He treated them with ulmost respect. They also protected him, provide a light to his path vs 105, refresh him, renewed him (vs 93), and so on-vs 86, 89, 92, 93, 96, 111. How sweet his promises vs 103…like honey to my mouth.
….hate double-minded and wicked men vs 113, 115 119
TH: This psalm is so rich in wisdom, insights, knowledge and full of assurances, hopes and guidance to life. It is valuable.
Acts 17:1-9
Preached the gospel of Christ…explaining and proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead vs 3…large converts…
Jews were jealous…dragged Jason (who hosts Paul & Silas) out…spreaded lies and rumours..defying Caesar’s decrees vs 7…another king called Jesus…turmoil…
Luke 21:5-38
Lots of things and signs must take place before Christ return.
…wars and revolutions…nations rise against nations…great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places ..persecution…witnesses…give you words and wisdom…betrayal by parents, brothers, relatives and friends…hate you because of me…stand firm…see Jerusalem surrounded by armies…its desolation is near vs 20….dreadful time…Jerusalem trampled by Gentiles…signs in the sun, moon and stars…terror…the Son of Man coming in great glory vs 27.
vs 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Be always on the watch vs36.
…spend the night on the hill…the Mount of Olives.
Psalm 119:65-80
Learn directly from God-full of riches in wisdom, knowledge, righteous, love, compassion, authority etc vs 66, 72, 75-77
66. Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands.
72. The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.
God owns everything…trillionaires on earth are no comparison to God’s riches and wisdom…different planes and levels. TH: Trillionaires can be spiritually naked and poor in their pride and arrogance
…unfailing love…comfort vs 76
…compassion vs 77…law is my delight. TH: Not burdensome.
TH: ….delight…precious…meditate on your precepts vs 78.
Arrogant people: their hearts are callous and unfeeling vs 70, 78.
Acts 16:25-34
An act of God. .violent earthquake vs 26 led to the conversion of the jailer and his family; even baptised by Paul at a short notice vs 31-34.
Luke 21:1-4
Sacrificial giving…out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.
Psalm 119:20-64
The psalmist shared how important are God’s statutes to him.
vs 24 Your statutes are my delight; they are my counsellors.
vs 28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
vs 30-31
30. I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws.
31. I hold fast to your statutes, LORD; do not let me be put to shame.
vs 47-48.. delight in your commandments because I love them…meditate on your degrees
Acts 16:16-29
…Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth…now city of Thyatira-modern Turkish city of Akhisar…worshipper of God…
…a slave girl…predicted the future…fortune telling…Paul…said to the spirit…name of Jesus…come out of her vs 18…
Paul & Silas…severely flogged, they were thrown into prison…praying and singing hymns. violent earthquake…prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose…jailer…fell trembling….
TH: power of God in display…does this acts of God still happen in this day and age?