Righteous vs wicked

Psalm 92:1-14


Fate of the evildoers and the righteous…especially vs 7…evildoers ultimately .. forever destroyed even though they temporarily flourish.
Vs 12-14…the righteous will flourish like a palm tree…flourish in the courts of our God….vs 14…still bear fruit in old age…will stay fresh and green…vs 15…The LORD is upright…my Rock…no wickedness in him

Luke 14:1-14


Do good on the Sabbath day…Sabbath exists for people and not the other way round.

Vs 7-11…Be humble…take the lowest seat/place-…be honoured in the presence of all his fellow guests..vs 10.

Vs 12-14…invite those who cannot repay you…the poor, the crippled, the lame…will be blessed…God will repaid you at the resurrection of the righteous…Th: difficult to do in real life…needs His help and strength…or simply obeys and acts on it.

Acts 6:1-7


Why early Apostles so effective in their preaching and converts grew rapidly?

Full convicted of Christ, 100% committment and dedication, leveraging on God, Christ and Holy Spirit power and authority to do good, preached the gospel…vs 7..the word of God spread…number of disciples increased rapidly…